Adding User Modelling to a Serious Game The Methodology behind "My Dream Theatre"






João Santos Tiple



Throughout the centuries education has evolved due to economical and cultural changes, leading to more complex requirements regarding societies needs. In the last decade gamification and incentive-centered design have been hot topics regarding the game and application industry in general. More recently, they have began being applied in medicine such as medical training, proper usage of medication, psychology evaluation and counselling. In the same context, the SIREN project aims to improve children's' conflict resolution capabilities in order to give them tools to better handle certain situations. This is done by giving them an open, friendly and safe environment to learn about conflict. The goal of this thesis is to improve a particular game of the SIREN project, "My Dream Theatre", making it an Intelligent Tutoring System. This is done with gamification techniques and procedural content generation, in order to better adapt the game during runtime and deliver a better and more personalized learning experience. The methodology applied to transform "My Dream Theatre" into an Intelligent Tutoring System and the conclusions and results drawn by this process are described in this document.