AI player for board game Diplomacy






Sancho Fernandes de Mascarenhas



Diplomacy is a strategy board game in which 2 to 7 players compete for their supremacy over Europe in the turn of the 20th century. It is a game where luck or randomness has no role and players negotiate with each other in order to gain advantage. The board is divided into 75 provinces where 34 are called supply centers. Each turn is divided in phases dedicated to negotiation, the movement of pieces and board adjustments. At the end of each turn, each player player adjusts the number of pieces to the number of supply centers they have. The player who, by the end of a season, detains 18 out of the 34 supply centers available in the board wins the game. In this work, it was created an automated player (bot) dedicated to play the game presented above. Tagus is a bot developed for DAIDE's game platform, using the offered development kit. By negotiating with other players and using the opening libraries built in it, the bot gains advantage in the game, always with the goal of winning. The type of negotiation is simple which included only peace treaties and alliances based upon the tension and trust with other players. The experiments made reveal that negotiation brings advantage to the involved players. It was also clear that, in some cases, the opening libraries strengthen its users at the start of the game.